Scouts Uniform

Get everything you need to look smart and part of the Group with the Official Scout Uniform. 

Uniform available for,

  • Scouts (age 10-14)

Our range of uniform is available to purchase all year round and is also available to purchase in our Chelmsford shop. 

You do not need to purchase a scarf/necker, these are usually provided by the Group. 

Scout Blouse Long Sleeve Shirt & Activity Trousers Combo


Scout Uniform Long Sleeve Shirt & Activity Trousers Combo


Scout Blouse Long Sleeve Shirt, Activity Trousers & Belt Combo


Scout Uniform Long Sleeve Shirt , Activity Trousers & Belt Combo


Scout Uniform Long Sleeve Blouse


Scout Uniform Long Sleeve Shirt


Uniform Activity Trousers - Youth


Scout Uniform Belt and Buckle Set (5% off)

£19.00 £20.00